Mouth Watering Muffins

Wet ingredients:

3 ripe bananas – mashed

1 can (14oz) crushed pineapple

1 cup dried cranberries – soak in warm water, then drain, should be plump

3 eggs beaten

1 cup vegetable oil

1 ½ tsp vanilla extract

Dry ingredients:

3 cups flour

1 cup sugar (to taste, I use less than 1 cup)

¾ tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

1 ¾ tsp baking powder

{1 ¼ cup chopped walnuts (add last to wet stuff)}

1. Mix Dry ingredients together (except walnuts)
2. Mix wet ingredients together
3. Fold Dry ingredients to Wet stuff in divided batches, adding walnuts last, just fold
LIGHTLY, do NOT over mix
4. Fill lined muffin pan to 90% full, (should make @ 16 – 17 muffins)
5. Bake at 350F for @ 35 minutes until toothpick comes out clean
6. Cool on rack

Note: you can use 1 cup blueberries instead of cranberries
For frozen blueberries, do not defrost, coat frozen berries with a little flour and gently fold into
mixture after nuts
For fresh berries, just gently fold into mixture after walnuts

Aspragus Rolls (no-nonsense,simple kind) -- by Fernanda de Pinna Ho

- bread knife
- small chopping board
- spreader knife
- sharp Ginsu knife
- rolling pin
- supermarket shopping bag (if desired)

- fresh and soft square sandwich bread ($1.89 a pound). The one pound plain bread from T&T would be the best because it is soft and thin.
- mayonnaise (average of $4.00 a medium-sized bottle) (Hellman’s or Kraft is always good) Not the pickled kind.
- bottled asparagus (Del Monte is the best one to use - $5.59 a bottle)(or you can use the Safeway generic kind which will work nicely – not too much difference! – choice is your’s).
- long stems, not the pickled kind
- butter (if desired) 


材料: 腩排一斤(切約二吋興半至三吋長), 雞蛋一隻, 麵粉約3/4杯

醬料: 生抽1 湯匙, 鹽1/3茶匙, 糖半茶匙, 酒1茶匙, 生粉2 湯匙, 薑2 片拍鬆

汁用料: 橙皮磨茸1茶匙, 橙榨汁3湯匙, 君度拔蘭地酒1 湯匙, 糖2湯匙, 鹽1/6茶匙, 生粉3/4茶匙, 水2/3杯

1. 腩排(五花腩) 洗淨, 抹乾水份, 切為1條肋骨1件, 加入醃料醃半小時

2. 排骨盛碟上蒸20分鐘至熟, 倒去碟中的汁待冷

3. 排骨冷後, 取起薑不要, 加入雞蛋拌勻, 每件排骨沾上麵粉. 然後用手按緊, 使麵粉與排骨貼緊

4. 燒熱鑊, 放下適量的油燒至將滾, 放下排骨炸片刻, 改用中火炸至金黃色撈起上碟

5. 下油1湯匙, 放下汁用料煮滾, 淋在排骨上, 或用小碟盛汁, 用排骨蘸汁吃


材料: 梅頭豬肉12兩, 密糖2 1/2湯匙, 清水150亳升(3/4 量杯)

醃料: 鹽1/3茶匙, 糖2 湯匙, 玫瑰露酒3/4湯匙, 生抽2湯匙, 薑汁3/4湯匙, 叉燒醬3/4湯匙

1. 梅頭豬肉切成長條形(約3厘米厚, 5厘米闊), 洗淨, 抹乾水份, 底面割井字紋, 放入醃料抹勻半小時

2. 將梅頭豬肉連醃料, 加清水煮滾, 用中慢火焗煮15分鐘, 下密糖煮至汁液濃稠(約5分鐘), 上碟稍涼, 切件品嘗.


4 人份量 

成功小堤示: 加入密糖後, 緊記留意水分, 以免太乾, 令叉燒焦噥

450g pork loin, 1 ½ tbsps honey, 150ml water (3/4 measuring cup)

1/3 tsp salt, 2 tbsps sugar, ¾ tbsp rose wine, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, ¾ tbsp ginger juice, ¾ tbsp barbecued pork sauce

Cut pork loin into long strips (3cm x 5 cm). Wash and wipe dry. Mark crisscross on both sides. Add marinade and leave for ½ hour.

Add water to pork with the marinade. Bring to the boil. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Add honey and cook until the sauce is thick (or about 5 minutes). Transfer to late and leave to cool. Cut into pieces. Serve

Successful cooking tip:
After adding honey, make sure that here is enough water or it will be too dry and the barbecued pork will be burnt.


材料: 密糖豆3兩, 蓮藕3兩, 杞子1 1/2湯匙, 去皮馬蹄4 粒 (橫切為二), 雲耳2朵, 蒜茸半湯匙

調味料: 鹽半茶匙, 糖1/4茶匙, 水適量

獻汁(拌勻): 水4湯匙, 鮑魚汁4茶匙, 鹽, 糖各1/4茶匙, 麻油1茶匙, 生粉半茶匙


1. 密糖豆撕去老筋, 洗淨; 用油炒熟, 下調味拌勻, 盛起.
2. 蓮藕刮去外皮, 切圓簿片.
3. 杞子, 雲耳浸透, 放入滾水內, 下鹽半茶匙煮片刻, 盛起.
4. 下油慢火爆香蒜茸, 放入蓮藕片, 雲耳及馬蹄拌炒, 注入獻汁, 最後放入密糖豆及杞子, 拌勻上碟即成.


4 人份量 

成功小堤示: 炒密糖豆必須注意火侯, 用大火快炒才令密糖豆爽脆好吃.


材料: 鮮雞12兩, 紅辣椒l隻, 薑3片, 蒜頭3粒, 蔥2條, 紹酒1湯匙, 九層塔 (basil) 適量

調味料: 麻油l湯匙, 生抽1湯匙, 老抽1茶匙, 水6湯匙, 糖半茶匙, 鹽1/3茶匙


    1. 鮮雞洗淨, 抹乾水分, 切塊; 紅辣椒切段; 蔥切段, 分成蔥白及蔥段備用

    2. 麻油放入砂金鍋內煮至微熱, 爆香薑片, 蒜頭,

    3. 紅辣椒及蔥白, 加入雞塊拌炒片刻, 贊紹酒, 注入調味料, 加蓋煮約8分鐘, 加入蔥段績煮至汁液濃稠, 最後下九層塔拌勻, 即可品嚐.

(三杯)指麻油, 醬油, 酒各1杯, 但 這份量對現今的飲食文化來說, 似乎太油膩, 故作出以上的修改, 希望 符合現今的健康原則 


必須用慢火徹底炒香蒜頭, 薑片, 紅辣椒及蔥白, 才加入雞件焗煮, 能令 香氣滲入雞肉, 引人垂涎


材料: 豬頸肉 1kg


沙茶醬料: 沙茶醬 兩茶匙, 美極紅蓋醬油 兩茶匙, 李錦記生抽 兩茶匙 糖兩茶匙, 食用橙紅素 適量, 將所有材料充分混和即可.

1. 豬頸肉解凍, 抹乾水分,厚切1.5cm一片每片厚度要平均

2. 將豬頸肉片置於大碗門中, 加入4-5湯匙沙茶醬料, 充分拌勻

3. 置於食物盒內, 放進雪種櫃,酡醃4小時, 即可取出燒烤用


材料: 甘荀1兩,乾冬菇3朵, 韭黃3條(切段),豆腐乾1件, 素雞半條, 腐皮1張

獻汁 (拌勻): 水2湯匙, 鹽1/4茶匙, 糖, 生抽各1/3茶匙, 蠔油半湯匙, 胡椒粉, 麻油各少許, 生粉1茶匙


1. 腐皮用布抹淨, 剪去硬邊, 剪成12小塊, 備用 .
2. 冬菇用水浸軟, 去蒂; 甘荀去皮; 豆腐乾抹淨, 與素雞全部切成絲 .
3. 燒熱油, 下豆腐乾絲及冬菇絲炒片刻, 加入獻汁拌勻, 最後放入韭黃, 盛起成餡料, 待涼 .
4. 餡料分成12等份, 每份用1 張腐皮包起卷狀, 用慢火將素卷煎至兩面金黃香脆, 上碟, 以唸汁伴食.


腐皮卷包卷妥當後, 封口宜向下, 煎時遇熱即黏緊, 不易散開; 若有需要, 可用麵粉糊(麵粉1湯匙與少許水拌勻)塗口亦可